Intrauterine Insemination ( IUI)

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Intrauterine Insemination ( IUI) ( Husband / Donor)

A type of artificial insemination — is a procedure for treating infertility. Sperm that have been washed and concentrated are placed directly in your uterus around the time your ovary releases one or more eggs to be fertilized.

Who does IUI help

Couples may begin with IUI before progressing to IVF if needed. IUI may be the only treatment needed to achieve pregnancy. Low sperm count or decreased sperm mobility are the common reason for intrauterine insemination (IUI).IUI can be performed using a male partner’s sperm or donor sperm.

IUI isn’t effective in the following scenarios:

  • women with moderate to severe endometriosis
  • women who have had both fallopian tubes removed or have both fallopian tubes blocked
  • women with severe fallopian tube disease
  • women who have had multiple pelvic infections
  • men who produce no sperm (unless the couple wishes to use donor sperm)

IUI is most commonly used in these scenarios:

  • unexplained infertility
  • mild endometriosis
  • issues with the cervix or cervical mucus
  • low sperm count
  • decreased sperm motility
  • issues with ejaculation or erection
  • same-sex couples wishing to conceive
  • a single woman wishing to conceive
  • a couple wanting to avoid passing on a genetic defect from the male partner to the child

Risk of Intrauterine Insemination

Intrauterine insemination is a relatively simple and safe procedure, and the risk of serious complications is low. The risks of IUI are not severe and there is only a slight possibility of serious complications.

The risk of IUI :

Multiple pregnancies/ Twins, Triplets, Or More From IUI
Pregnancies of multiples are the most common and the risk associated with IUI. IUI risk slightly higher when coordinated with ovulation including medications 1 - 14% of pregnancies involve multiple gestations.

Spotting: There might be small vaginal bleeding due to the placement of the catheter in the uterus. But this bleeding does not have any effect on the chance of pregnancy.


The visit for intrauterine insemination takes about 15 to 20 minutes and is usually done in a doctor's office or clinic. The IUI procedure itself takes just a minute or two and requires no medications or pain relievers

During the procedure

1. Attaches a vial containing a sample of healthy sperm to the end of a long, thin, flexible tube (catheter)
2. Inserts the catheter into your vagina, through your cervical opening and into your uterus.
3. Pushes the sperm sample through the tube into your uterus.
4. Removes the catheter, followed by the speculum.


Recommend patients lie down on the table for 15 – 30 minutes after the procedure on the table. You can dress up and go on about your daily activities, once the procedure is done. You may encounter some spotting a day or two after the procedure.

Success rates of IUI

On average, a woman under 35 will have a 10 to 20 percent chance of pregnancy with each IUI, while a woman over 40 will have a two to five percent chance. “The peak IUI effect is around three to four cycles.
Though IUI is a less expensive and less invasive option. The pregnancy rates from IUI are lower than IVF. If you are interested in IUI, you might want to talk to a doctor.


You should wait for two weeks before taking the pregnancy test.

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