In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

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In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) and Embryo Transfer (ET)

IVF is the process of fertilization by extracting eggs, retrieving a sperm sample placed together in a plastic dish for fertilization. Manually combining an egg and sperm in a laboratory plastic dish for fertilization.. After fertilization the resulting embryos are then transferred to the women’s uterus with the intent to establish a successful pregnancy.

The IVF Proceduree

It is a process by which an egg is fertilised by sperm outside the body: in vitro. IVF. Mature eggs are collected (retrieved) from ovaries and fertilized by sperms in a fluid medium in a laboratory. Then the fertilized egg or eggs are transferred to a uterus. One full cycle of IVF takes about three weeks. Sometimes these steps are split into different parts and the process can take longer.

Stimulating of the ovaries

Ovarian stimulation is the process of inducing ovarian follicular development and oocyte maturation using medications. Stimulation can be used in order to produce more than the usual one egg per cycle. For IVF you’ll be frequently monitored using hormonal testing and vaginal ultrasounds for the best result. Once an ultrasound determines you have a sufficient number of follicles the collection of eggs at precisely the right time.

Egg Retrieval/ Collection of the eggs

An ultrasound probe is inserted into your vagina to identify follicles, and a needle is guided through the vagina and into the follicles under a light/short anaesthesia. The eggs are removed from the follicles through the needle, which is connected to a suction device

Fertilisation and embryo transfer

The mature eggs are collected (retrieved) from ovaries and fertilized by sperm in a lab. A zygote or pre-embryo will begin to develop. The pre-embryo remains in the incubator for one or two days, until it has divided into two or four cells stage. Then the fertilized egg (embryo) or eggs (embryos) are transferred to a uterus. In this process Two to three embryos will be transferred to the uterus using a soft, fine catheter. This procedure (known as embryo transfer) is quite painless, similar to a smear test, and requires no anaesthesia.

Pregnancy test results

After Embryo transfer within Two weeks blood test (Beta HCG) is taken to determine if the woman is pregnant.

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